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'Controcanto', Daniela De Lorenzo in dialogue with the portraits of Lorenzo Bartolini

The Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze presents the exhibition Controcanto, an evocative dialogue between the feminine universe of the artist Daniela De Lorenzo and the portraits of Lorenzo Bartolini.

The Restoration of The Resurrection of Christ by Raffaellino del Garbo

A video documentary to narrate the behind-the-scenes story of the restoration carried out on the splendid panel painting depicting “The Resurrection" by Raffellino del Garbo.

Virtual reconstruction of the Santa Croce sacristy cabinet with Taddeo Gaddi's panels

the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence and the Opera di Santa Croce are carrying out a scientific project aimed at the virtual reconstruction of the sacristy cabinet of Santa Croce.

The restorations of pier francesco foschi’s works - study day

A study day held in the Galleria on the restoration interventions carried out on some of Pier Francesco Foschi’s works present in Florence, on the occasion of the monographic exhibition dedicated to him.

A new uniform for Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze (with POLIMODA)

The new uniforms of the staff of the Accademia Gallery in Florence, designed by the young talents of Polimoda's Master in Collection Design program.

The technical and scientific study of plaster models by Lorenzo Bartolini

A project carried out in collaboration with SABAP and SUPSI. The object of these sophisticated diagnostic investigations are Lorenzo Bartolini's plaster models, preserved in the Gipsoteca of the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence.

"AcrossKissKissYou" - a performance by Kinkaleri

A site-specific performance for our Museum entitled AcrossKissKissYou. Already guests of many museums, including the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Palazzo Strozzi in Florence and the MAXXI in Rome, they created a site-specific performance for our Museum entitled AcrossKissKissYou.

Drusilla prefers Venus

An elegant and witty icon, who in just a few years has made herself known and loved by the public: Drusilla Foer. As often happens with great divas, what Drusilla talks about what  she loves very much, Venus and Cupid by Pontormo.

Mala Punica concert - Masses and motets by Matteo da Perugia and Johannes Ciconia

For the concert in the Galleria entitled “A talento di componitore”, the ensemble performed works by two musicians from the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries: Johannes Ciconia and Matteo da Perugia.

The Triptych Rebuilt

Another 13th-century masterpiece is added to the collection of the Pinacoteca thanks to the donation of the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze.

Dusting Michelangelo's David

A very delicate operation which is also a rite of passage. Michelangelo's David, the protagonist masterpiece of the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze, is periodically subjected to careful dusting.

Acquisizione e restauro delle cuspidi del Polittico Ardinghelli

A parlarne sono il professor Andrea De Marchi, dell’Università di Firenze e Rossella Lari, che si è occupata dell’intervento di restauro delle cuspidi.

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Aldo Cazzullo, scrittore e giornalista italiano, nota firma del “Corriere della Sera”, ci racconta il David dal punto di vista di un intellettuale con una personale passione per il capolavoro michelangiolesco.

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Cristina Acidini, storica dell’arte, entra nel vivo della storia del David e ci racconta dell’affascinante e complesso “traslocamento” della scultura, da piazza della Signoria fino al suo trionfale ingresso all’Accademia.

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Felipe Pereda, storico dell’arte, professore di Arte spagnola presso la Harvard University, con un intervento dal titolo Torrigiano, uomo fiero, artista superbo.

Study Day - Michelangelo: l'effigie in bronzo di Daniele da Volterra

Michelangelo: the bronze effigy by Daniele da Volterra


A video about the accurate campaign of innovative investigations.


A new animated video dedicated to the Gipsoteca of the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence.


A choral hymn to the resilience of art to narrate the transformation of the Accademia Gallery in Florence.

The new identity of the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze

A new logo, a new color, a specially designed font

Forbidden clothes

A journey across sumptuary laws and Florentine fashion of the 1300s

Wunderkinder Wonder Kids

A cinematic historical fantasy, a journey in the footsteps of Mozart

Voices from the Galleria

Work sites. Restoration and consolidation

Claudia Gerola explains the importance of the restoration in progress at the Sala del Colosso

Music. The collection of musical instruments

Simone Bensi introduces us to the Galleria's collection of musical instruments.

Perspectives. The museum to come

The works in progress and the renovation of the halls.

Shapes. Michelangelo's impact on 16th-century painting

Elena Marconi discusses 16th century painting, highlighting Michelangelo's influence on the artistic canons of his time

Time. The days of restoration

Eleonora Pucci presents the restoration activities

David. Michelangelo Buonarroti

Director Cecilie Hollberg and restorer Eleonora Pucci talk about the icon of the Renaissance: the David

Virtual tour

Michelangelo’s masterpieces

A virtual journey to discover Michelangelo's masterpieces together with director Cecilie Hollberg.

Virtual visit of the plaster casts collection

A virtual tour inside the Bartolini plaster casts collection together with director Cecilie Hollberg

The ages of painting

Curator Elena Marconi introduces the pictorial works

Educational Contents

OPEN ART: Odoardo Borrani, At the Galleria dell'Accademia.
A new series of videos, dedicated to children aged six and up.
OPEN ART: Lorenzo Bartolini, Emma and Julia Campbell.
A new series of videos, dedicated to children aged six and up.
OPEN ART: Music instruments section.
A new series of videos, dedicated to children aged six and up.
OPEN ART: Alessandro Allori, Annunciation.
A new series of videos, dedicated to children aged six and up.
OPEN ART: Pietro Perugino, Vallombrosa altarpieceA new series of videos, dedicated to children aged six and up.
OPEN ART: Sandro Botticelli, Madonna with Child and Saints.A new series of videos, dedicated to children aged six and up.
OPEN ART: Domenico di Michelino, Tobia and the three Archangels.A new series of videos, dedicated to children aged six and up.
OPEN ART: Scheggia and the Dancing scene. A new series of videos, dedicated to children aged six and up.
OPEN ART: Giotto and the Shepard's head. A news series of videos, dedicated to children aged six and up.
OPEN ART: the Maestro della Maddalena. A news series of videos, dedicated to children aged six and up.
The saints in 15th century Florentine painting the saints depicted in the works of the fifteenth century in the collections of the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze
The altarpiece an introduction to the techniques and traditions of a type of artwork.
Renaissance. Masters and workshops The reality of the workshops before the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno in Florence
A star-filled night A video story dedicated to the most beautiful Christmas story of all: Jesus’ Birth.
Dal primo Rinascimento a Savonarola
Dal fondo oro al paesaggio...e ritorno


The talent of
Franz Liszt
The attribution of The Coronation of the Virgin
The musicians of the Great Prince Ferdinando
All the colors of Lorenzo Monaco
Santo Stefano between the saints Jacopo and Pietro
The holy monks by Paolo Uccello
A espalier wedding
The origin of the oval spinet
The beauty of the Ninfa Arnina
The ideal head of Zenobia
A dialogue between Arnolfo di Cambio and Brunelleschi
The unfinished by Michelangelo

Discover the Galleria

Timothy Verdon
Michelangelo's San Matteo
Carl Strehlke
Lorenzo Monaco "The agony in the Garden"
Carlo Sisi
Monument to Elisa Baciocchi by Lorenzo Bartolini
Giovanni Cipriani
Napoleonic suppressions
Carlo Sisi
The Campbell Sisters
Paolo Zampini
The Briccialdi Flutes
Cecilie Hollberg
Pacino di Buonaguida's Tree of Life
Elena Marconi
Luigi Pampaloni
Graziella Cirri parla della Firenze cosmopolita
Enrico Colle
Le cornici in collezione alla Galleria dell'Accademia
Pedro Memelsdorff
Gli strumenti musicali di Evaristo Baschenis
Enrico Colle parla del Manto di Napoleone


6. Carlo Portelli
Disputa sull'Immacolata Concezione
5. Filippino Lippi e il Perugino
Deposizione di Cristo dalla Croce
4. Maestro della Maddalena
Santa Maria Maddalena
3. Silvestro Lega
David che calma i furori di Saul
2. Giambologna, Il Ratto delle Sabine
1. Giovanni dal Ponte
L'Incoronazione della Vergine
1. Giambologna Il ratto della Sabina
2. Paolo Uccello Tebaide
3. Botticelli Madonna del mare
4. Giotto Pastore e Armenti
5. Fra Bartolomeo Isaia
6. Pontormo Venere e Cupido
7. Mussini Leonardo infermo
8. Fra' Bartolomeo Giobbe
9. Michelangelo Prigioni


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