Pier Francesco Foschi (1502-1567) pittore fiorentino
November 28th, 2023 – March 10th, 2024; the Galleria dell'Accademia opens the first monographic exhibition in Europe dedicated to the artist.
La Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze opens to the public on Tuesday November 28th, 2023, the first monographic exhibition in Europe dedicated to Pier Francesco Foschi (1502-1567), a Florentine painter, who trained in the studio of Andrea del Sarto, assisted Italian painter Pontormo, and whose long and successful career took place during the central decades of the sixteenth century.
The exhibition is curated by Cecilie Hollberg, Director of the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze, Elvira Altiero, Art Historian Officer, head of the historical-artistic department of the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze, by Nelda Damiano, who curated the Wealth and Beauty exhibition dedicated to the artist at the Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia (Athens, USA), and Simone Giordani, Professor of art history, scholar of Renaissance and late Renaissance Florentine painting and expert on the painter Pier Francesco Foschi.
“The objective of such an extensive and accurate exposition – says Cecilie Hollberg, Director of the Gallery – is to provide for the first time in Europe the tools to understand the artistic personality of a master like Foschi and his role in the context of the sixteenth century Florentine painting. Thanks to our exhibition, in addition to showing forgotten works, important restoration operations have been activated on paintings located in various places in the area, such as one of the altarpieces in the Church di Santo Spirito in Florence.“