
From 15 June to 15 December the cost of an entrance ticket will increase by one Euro.

From 15 June to 15 December the cost of an entrance ticket to the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze will increase by one Euro. This temporary provision of the Ministry of Culture provides for the increase in the price of entrance tickets for all state museums to finance the rescue of works of art damaged by the flood in Emilia-Romagna and the security of regional cultural heritage, severely affected by landslides, water infiltrations and floods. Specifically, the cost of entrance tickets for the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze will be 13 euros for full tickets and 3 Euros for reduced tickets, without affecting the free admissions provided for by law. The cost for booking, at 4 euros, will remain unchanged. In the meantime, the evening openings of the museum will continue throughout the summer starting from today 13 June until 31 October 2023, which will allow visitors to be able to admire the masterpieces of the Florentine museum every Tuesday until 10 pm (last admission at 9.30 pm) and every Thursday until 9 pm (last admission at 8.30 pm).

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