May, 20: Festa dei Musei
May 20, 2017
On the occasion of the “Festa dei Musei”, which coincides with the European Museums Night, an event promoted by the Council of Europe, by ICOM and by UNESCO, to which the principal European museums adhere, among the initiatives for the enhancement of our cultural heritage are to be noted the following teaching workshops (the activities are only available in Italian):
at 4 p.m.: “The Technique of Painting on Panels”. The workshop, in Italian, will be held in Sala 2 on the first floor of the Galleria; Free admission and no reservation. Learning about the art of painting on panels with a gold background: an experience for adults and families through direct contact with the materials and procedures of this technique, used by the ancient masters such as Giotto, Lorenzo Monaco and Gentile da Fabriano.
at 5 p.m.: “Let’s Construct a Polyptych!” Dedicated to children ages 6 to 10, in Italian. Free and by reservation. The workshop permits a simple, clear and interactive approach to Medieval Sacred painting, in particular, to the altarpieces called polyptychs. The activity will be divided into two sections: during the first, the various parts that compose the polyptych, such as painting and carpentry, will be illustrated; following this, the children will learn to recognize the iconographic attributes that identify the individual saints.
For reservation: Firenze Musei, Ph. +39 055 290383
May 20, 2017