Recent restoration
This is the programme of the appointments:
14 May 2018
Restoration of the painting Trinità by Mariotto Albertinelli
Restorer: Silvia Verdianelli – Department curator: Donatella Fratini
9 July 2018
Restoration of the sculpture Busto di Michelangelo Buonarroti by Daniele da Volterra
Restorer: Nicola Salvioli – Department curator: Donatella Fratini
10 September 2018
Restoration of the painting Incoronazione della Vergine di Giovanni Dal Ponte
Restorer: Lucia Dori – Department curator: Angelo Tartuferi
12 November 2018
Restoration of the Croce by Maestro del Crocifisso Corsi
Restorers: Alzeni-Buda-Fürst – Department curator: Angelo Tartuferi
14 January 2019
Restoration of the painting Annunciazione by Neri di Bicci
Restorer: Silvia Bensi – Department curator: Angelo Tartuferi
11 March 2019
Restoration of the painted Cross by Cimabuesque Painter of the late thirteenth century (Inv. 1890 n. 1345)
Restorer: Sandra Pucci – Department curator: Angelo Tartuferi
May 14, 2018