EHD 2024, European Heritage Days 2024

European Heritage Days 2024: scheduled events at the Galleria dell’Accademia

The European Heritage Days 2024 will come back on Saturday, September 28 and Sunday, September 29. The EHD is the biggest and most participated European cultural event. It was born 1991 on the initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission and it is currently promoted by the Italian Minister of Culture in order to support the cultural heritage of our Country.

This year’s topic is Routes, Networks and Connections, conceived as a way to reflect on cultural heritage values in relation to the routes, lines of communication, connections and networks that favoured the relationship and the cultural exchanges between European populations and cultures.

For the occasion, the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze is organizing a weekend full of events. On Saturday, September 28 and Sunday, September 29, visitors will have the chance to join a unique path that will lead them to discover the multiple routes, networks and connections that brought some of our masterpieces to the Museum.

Along with the usual opening hours, on Saturday 28 the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze will be occasionally open in the evening, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. – last entrance by 21:15. –  at the simbolyc cost of 1 euro (no reservation needed).

In addition, during the evening the visitors will have the chance to enjoy the performance by the students from the Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini di Firenze.

Routes, Networks and Connections: a journey through Art

Routes, Networks and Connections. Where do the masterpieces of the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze come from? What is the path they had to cover to join such a diverse collection?

The starting point of this fascinating journey through Art is the 1873, when Michelangelo’s David (1) was moved from Piazza della Signoria through the Galleria dell’Accademia. The statuesque fascination upholds in the next stop, the Gipsoteca Bartolini (2). The room guards the nineteenth-century plaster models of the sculptor Lorenzo Bartolini – along with the preparative models of Luigi Pampaloni, Francesco Pozzi e Ulisse Cambi – and also hosts a work entitled “At the Galleria dell’Accademia” (3), a precious painting that Odoardo Borrani dedicated to the Florentine Museum.

The exhibition itinerary offers an overview of the route of the great medieval and Renaissance altarpieces (4), Byzantine icons arrived in Italy from the Greek islands (6) and works recovered by the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (7).

The journey concludes with the artist experience of Gherardo Starnina (8), exemplary evidence of the cultural enrichment resulting from the connections with the European art environment.

On the occasion of European Heritage Days 2024, the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze created an information leaflet that visitors will find available inside the rooms.

The brochure is also available as a downloadable PDF:

EHD 2024, European Heritage Days 2o24

Download the information leaflet PDF

Download the information leaflet PDF (smarthphone friendly)

The museum of musical instruments and the performance of Conservatory students

The fascinating journey discovering the artistic heritage housed in the halls of the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze also makes a stop at the Museum of Musical Instruments (5).

On Saturday 28, the Museum of Musical Instruments and the Hall of Late Gothic Paintings will host a performance by the students of the Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini di Firenze.

The evening’s musical will follow.

7,30 p.m. and 8,30 p.m. – MUSEUM OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS

Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583 – 1643), Partite sopra Ruggiero

Michelangelo Rossi (1601 Or 1602 – 1656), Toccata VII

Giovanni Battista Ferrini (1601 Circa – 1674), Aria di Fiorenza

Domenico Scarlatti (1685 – 1757), Sonata in F minor K 69, Sonata in F major K 82

Morgan Zearott, harpsichord

8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. – LATE GOTHIC PAINTING ROOM, first floor

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Chaconne (from Partita No. 2 in D minor BWV 1004)

Jingrong Jia, violin

Jean-Marie Leclair (1697-1764), Duet for two violins op. 3 no. 2 in A major, Allegro – Sarabande Largo – Allegro

Yixin Dang, violin

Jingrong Jia, violin

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